"It's my belief we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain." - Jane Wagner

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Non Ugly Factor

Lately I've been cranking Kings Of Leon on my way home from work. Reminds me of high school for some reason. Or more accurately, makes me wish I went to high school. But there' s nothing wrong with a little rock n' roll on the way home. It's almost like taking a shower or having a cold beer at the end of a long day, it revives the tired soul.

I have been thinking about the fact that you pretty much have to be good looking to get a record contract now, or at least to be promoted in the pop world. No wonder pop music sucks- ugly people make way better music than good looking people, yet the only thing you ever see in a pop music video is some model pretending to sing while another model gives him or her oral sex in the back of a large industrial freezer.

What people don't remember is that pop music, which has sucked for a long time, wasn't always this bad. Why? Because they let ugly people in on the deal. Think about the 60s and 70s- the most popular music was played by some weird looking dudes- the Beatles were certainly no models, the Stones and Led Zeppelin look like really ugly women dressed as really ugly men. For Christ's sake, Peter Frampton was a sex god. Rick Ocasek? The guy's like some kind of experiment.

They still got tons of chicks (because they're rock stars) but it would be a lot harder for them now. If Arethra Franklin was a young performer today, she'd get voted off of American Idol in like the fifth week. Bob Dylan would be beaten by a angry mob of Banana Republic wearing, purposefully-messed-up $200 hair cut Blackberrying "boyzz".

It's like you're actually immoral if you're ugly now. And although some freaks are playing good music, and you can find it if you look for it, the big boys aren't marketing it to the masses. Because these good looking dancers and models have no idea how to write music or even sing it (I don't care how "good" their voices are, singing isn't about hitting notes, it's about style), pop music blows worse than ever. It also blows because they're running out of things to write in this genre- three chords can only take you so far. But that's a story for another day.

For now, let's demand a return of the ugly rock star- maybe make Iggy Pop the mascot. On second thought, I can't stand the idea of looking at his ugly ass, so I'll just put on the CD and think about the chicks he gets. Anyway, stop worrying about what you look like and start worrying about what you're listening to. And crank some Kings of Leon on the way home.

Next Up: Why the Patriots are not the best team ever and why Ecuador is a hilarious country.


johnbourbon said...

when you said "maybe make iggy pop the mascot" i thought you meant iggy the comic strip hero. and then i remembered his name was actually 'ziggy'. but i'm sure who 'the mascot' is, though. or why he should be popped. or she for that matter....oh maybe that makes sense. if she's "a she"...? like, popping her...? like her vagina or something? or something else? huh.

Jack D. said...

yeah but some of the guys you mentioned make KOL look like Amercrombie and Fitch models.

mickey c said...

'Iggy pop the mascot' is an interesting take. I can hear a Jamaican actor reciting that line in a Guy Ritchie movie. The response, from his partner 'i pop the mascot, too, ya fuck.'

Anonymous said...

The ugly become the hot when there is money and fame attached. It's a shift that the shallow will make. So I'm sure there's a model out that there that thinks that Iggy Pop is kinda hot. They just qualify it as an ugly hot. Oh yes, that label does exist Mick.

mickey c said...

Ugly hot. That is a sweet label. I like it.

Anonymous said...

here are some good looking indie artists that can sing, play and rant.


can't top them. hot name too- ugly hot. Erocktica.